Q: How long does it last? / Do the symptoms come back? 

Once EMDR has reduced or eliminated symptoms, often the symptoms do not come back. In rare circumstances, an event or trigger may reveal an area for deeper healing, but most often, once the disturbance is taken out of the event, it stays gone. 

For more, read the quote from Bridger Falkenstien at Beyond Healing, discussing the article below: 

"...at the three-month reassessment,... those who had received EMDR had not only maintained their therapeutic gains from the treatment phase, but had even lower symptom severity scores than they showed at the first followup measurement 8 weeks after completing treatment. This study showed that EMDR not only alleviated their PTSD symptoms, but led to ongoing therapeutic gains after treatment had ended; they continued to get healthier as time went on."  

See this article for more: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21629014/

Beyond Healing (2023) Author: BeyondHealingCommunity.com

Q: How long does EMDR take? 

With this model, you get to speed up the process. If you want it to go more quickly, consider these questions yourself. What do YOU want to learn/internalize? What lessons have you "learned" through the trauma, and what do you want to learn now instead? 

Zero in on those lessons and statements. This will speed up our work. 

Be clear on what you want to be able to feel, think and do, when you're "done." Then tell me the last time you were able to feel, think, and do those things. 

I offer pre-session homework. I want you to have the most value for the effort you're putting in. The more that it is complete and practiced, the faster our work will be. 

If you’re wondering about the cost, check out the page and info about finances here.

Will we get to bilateral stimulation in the first session? 

Possibly, if you’re already familiar with EMDR and done some preparation ahead of time.

But often, we don’t get to the reprocessing stage “using the buzzies” or the bilateral stimulation until after the first session.

It depends on how comfortable you feel and how comfortable I feel, so that will be something we decide together along with some data from some assessments that we’ll do in the first session.