Molly Johnson, LMFT Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Arizona



The process of coming together or the state of having come together toward a common point.

The coordinated turning of the eyes inward to focus on an object at close range.

The adaptive evolution of superficially similar structures, such as the wings of birds and insects, in unrelated species subjected to similar environments


The reason that I call my work Convergence Trauma Therapy, is because there comes a point when you know that you're ready to heal from your trauma. This point is a combination of a lot of different things. I’m ready to meet you there.

You're ready to drive down that street without having a panic attack. 

You're ready to have sex again without flashing back to the assault. 

You're ready to leave it all in the past, and actually be fully present. 

You're ready. 

If you are ready, then I'm ready. 

The traumatic material will be transformed. It may turn into something more beautiful than you could have ever imagined before. It may just escape like vapor. But it won’t be the same.


Kambria Evans has referred to EMDR Intensives as a "Fast Pass to the Front of the Line.”

I really like this phrase. If you know you’re ready now, then why wait? A fast pass doesn’t mean the ride will be easy. You might even get sick.

In our time, you’ll have access to a trauma-informed, specialized EMDR therapist for an intensive amount of time, to deep dive into the issues and come out of them with some new understanding and a shift in your body.